Monday, December 30, 2013

Fun with my favorite friend

I walked down anxiously on the mossy steps onto the platform to meet my friend, Astreya. Her brown, adorable eyes glared at me and exclaimed "I am glad to see you, lets play!". Astreya wore a cute, wide, brilliant grin that made me very very happy inside. Her wet slippery skin pressed against my cheeks as she gave me a kiss. My arms curled around and I gave her a tight hug, not wanting to pull myself off her. Hand in hand we skimmed the surface of the crystal clear water. My hand tightly gripped the boogie board, I felt Astreya's head gently push me across the pool. My hand flew up and I twirled in the clear water."Monkey see , monkey do" she squealed and with that she graciously twirled in the water.Thank you Astreya for being my cute dolphin friend. I will never forget these moments we spent together doing fun activities.

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