Prompt for 11/03/2013 :Showcased!
100 Words:
“Help, help, we need the rescue team!” I cried into the walkie-talkie with a terrified voice. A few days ago, on an unforgivingly cold, fall day, a monstrous tsunami rolled over a tiny coastal village in Japan, wiping out anything in it’s path. Me and my crew were searching for survivors. We came across a person’s feet, sticking out of a small, muddy, pool of water. With hopes of the person being alive, I went to take a look. I dunked my head in to see if the person was alive. With no such luck, I found a new world instead of the person’s face.
Dear Krupa,I like the topic you have written on.I also liked that you kept your reader in suspense.Did you pick that topic your self?