Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Unexpected Hole

It was raining all morning. When the rain cleared away, I went out to play in my lush, green backyard. I saw a shiny, silver key on the dew covered grass. I picked it up, it looked like a key detector that would lead to more keys! I examined the key thoroughly but I couldn't find anything to start the detector ! I took my magnifying glass out and I found a teensy weensy slit for a very small CD, then  I found  a CD that was supposed to fit into the slit. When I inserted the CD something started to glow and a hole appeared. It started to get bigger and bigger then I went inside. Halfway through the tunnel a monster erupted from the ground, he smelled like a million pairs of unwashed socks! Eww! He said "Me Want to Eat Human"."Um sorry not today"I said feverishly! Then the most amazing thing happened, I camouflaged right into the dirt but the monster could smell me. I tried to get out but I was locked "the key " I thought. But I turned around to find nothing but a shovel. Then it hit me, I could dig my way out but when tried to reach for it...