Saturday, March 9, 2013

Adventure in Yellowstone

It was a stagnant Saturday morning. I finally asked ” can we go to Yellowstone national park?” “of course” said my father. So we packed our car and off we went and reached our destination in two minutes straight. I was so happy to be out, breathing fresh air. Birds were fluttering and chirping, colorful fall trees swaying, and earthworms wiggling in the dirt. I could feel happiness rushing through me. The stench of moist dirt filled my nose. The cool breeze on my skin felt so good. It was pretty autumn if you ask me. So we decided what we were going to do. First we decided to go hiking then we would saunter through the woods. I saw a near by trail and we started to hike. We then, came to two staircases. I didn’t know which one to take. So I decided to investigate the stairs. The first one, the trodden one was the one I didn’t want to take because it would lead to no adventure unlike the rusty, murky, damp, trail. “The least trodden one it is” I said.