Monday, June 18, 2012

The Battle of the Labyrinth

By Rick Riordan


ow reading....

Monday, June 4, 2012

Thank you Mama

Thank you Mama and Atte for this super awesome series.
Love you both.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Titan's Curse

By Rick Riordan


itan's Curse is a fantasy book with 20 chapters and it is book number 3

This story is about Percy going on an adventure to save his friends Annabeth and Lady Artimis.

Titan Atlas held the sky. Since the sky was so heavy, Atlas did not wanted to hold it anymore. So, he tricked Luke the least liked son of Hermes into holding the sky. Luke could'nt bear the weight of sky so he tricked Annabeth into holding the sky.Annabeth then passed the sky on to Artimis.

Percy came along with his gang and while Percy and Zoe battled Atlas, Thalia and Luke battled for the cause of Titan lord Kronos rebuilding. In Percy and Zoe's battle, Zoe got injured badly by her dad and finally Percy takes the sky from lady Artimis and tricks Atlas into getting back the sky. In Thalia and Luke's battle , Luke gets pushed off by Thalia from the cliff and Luke drops the coffin, In which Kronos was rebuilding.

The part i liked the most in the story is when Percy finally sees his dad up close and not in iris message. I wish i could do iris message when i am not with my family. The part i did not like about the story is when zoe died because of the bad blow that her father Titan Atlas gave her.

Main characters of this story are Percy Jackson, Thalia, Luke, Annabeth, Zoe, Lady Artimis and Atlas. My favorite character in this story is Percy Jackon because he is very helpful and looks like he is a main character in all the stories. My least favorite character was Luke because he was mean to my favorite character.

The sea of monsters

By Rick Riordan


he Sea of monsters is a fantasy book with 20 chapters.In this book a boy named Percy Jackson and a girl named Annabeth chase are going on an adventure to find the golden fleece for the sick tree of Thalia. In their quest they fight a cyclops named Polyphemus.Not only did Percy go to get the magic fleece but also to get his friend named Grover who was half human and half goat.

Main characters of the story are Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. Annabeth is a half blood just like Percy. She is brave,sly and intelligent . Her mother is Athena goddess of knowledge.Percy is strong and brave.His dad is Poseidon god of the sea.

I did not like Clarissa, because she is bossy and mean.I like Annabeth because she  is brave and bold.

I loved this book because the story is kind of related to Greek mythology  and i love reading Greek mythology.